Good Job Games’ Zen match

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Zen Match was one of my first proactive playables developed at Vungle/Liftoff. After seeing the sets of playables Good Job Games already had live, we wanted to offer them something different. I helped brainstorm ideas and came up with a playable that would focus more on the serene aspect of their game.

KEy COntributions:

  • Proactively pitched a new playable to the client, focusing on the serene and calm themes of their game

  • Developed an auto matcher that would rearrange the tiles in the tray if they are matching

  • Implemented a system to auto pick valid tiles if the player is inactive or needs a hint

  • Ran playtest sessions for the game and implemented feedback

  • Allowed for simplified level creation making it easy to add or remove levels

  • Designed a variety of levels that would increase in difficulty while also maintaining the core themes of serenity